Restaurant Website Re-Design
As a personal challenge, I decided to recode the website to my favorite local chinese restaurant. None of the photos are theirs, and none of the photos used are mine either. I gathered these photos from various free website. This is not a real website, it was simply a challenge to apply the skills I have recently gained in coding. Welcome to my version of Yen Ching's website!!
Final coded walkthrough of the website. Only one of the menu pages is designed, but the rest of them would follow the same basic principles.
Final Main Page and Menu Page Designs
Design Challenges
I am not a coder- I am a graphic designer. So having to design things in such a way that someone with my skills could code it was challenging to say the least. A few of the features I included - such as the cranes that overlap multiple different things - gave me more challenge than I thought they would. A few features are different than originally designed, mostly due to my lack of skill to actually code it. Overall though, I am quite happy with the finished piece.
Design Decisions
I decided to split up the menu page into multiple pages, mainly due to the fact that their menu is.... large. Like, hella huge large. I originally made the mistake when I was in Xd to design the menu page as one HUGE page. Thankfully for future me I decided to scrap that idea and split it up into bite-sized sections. I decided to only code the appetizers page of the menu due to the fact that the rest of them would be basically the same. As for overall feel, I wanted it to have a modern, yet warm familial feel. They have been at the same location for as long as I can remember, so they have definitely become a staple in the families here. I just felt that they needed a little face lift, so they were a prime target for my own personal challenge!