Formations is a music-sync project that utilizes the song of the same name from
the album Disasterpeace. This was my first extensive foray into the inner workings
of Adobe After Effects, and despite my inexperience, I believe it turned out quite
well; even with the restriction that I only use simple geometric shapes.
the album Disasterpeace. This was my first extensive foray into the inner workings
of Adobe After Effects, and despite my inexperience, I believe it turned out quite
well; even with the restriction that I only use simple geometric shapes.
The track features a light ‘plinking’ crystal tone throughout, which I chose to relate
to falling water, first in the cavern, and then outside in the form of rain. Similarly,
the large bass vibrations the song featured became earthquakes, changing
the landscape and ‘forming’ something new.
to falling water, first in the cavern, and then outside in the form of rain. Similarly,
the large bass vibrations the song featured became earthquakes, changing
the landscape and ‘forming’ something new.
The star of the animation is an intentionally vague but humanoid figure made of triangles and circles. I wanted a figure that could be used as an actor, and chose their shapes
with the intent of bringing an innocence and elegance to the piece.
with the intent of bringing an innocence and elegance to the piece.